Dental Implants Utah

Dental Implants Utah
Dr Scott Hamblin

Monday, December 17, 2012

Cosmetic Dentist - Provo- Orem - Salt Lake City


Cosmetic Dentist In Sandy, UT! Just 20 Minutes From Salt Lake!

For some, it's Hollywood-style perfection. The cover of Vogue or Glamour. For others it's simply the confidence that comes from having brighter, whiter, teeth. Whatever your ideal smile, we at the Hamblin Dental office in Salt Lake City Utah specialize can help you achieve it...OFTEN in as little as THREE DAYS!


Traveling from a distance? Let us make it easy for you...from arranging limousine service to excellent hotel accommodations within minutes of our Salt Lake City practice. In the majority of cases, your smile makeover can be completed in three days!


Your cosmetic options include bonding, porcelain veneers and whitening. You will enjoy;

 Natural looking Tooth colored fillings

 The ultimate esthetic crown or veneer, The All-Porcelain Empress Veneer (undetectable and blends in naturally)

 "Instant Orthodontics" often allow us to straighten and realign crooked teeth-- often in just TWO visits!!


Only with Dr Hamblin's new advanced techniques will you be turning heads with your new smile in as little as 3 Days! If you are excited to enjoy your stunning new smile but don’t wish to wait the usual 3 weeks, you can now visit us in the morning to start the treatment and return to us just 2 days later and celebrate your breathtaking new smile .


Would you like to see what your new smile could look like without even committing to treatment? Dr Scott Hamblin can show you your new smile almost instantly by artistically sculpting new materials. These new materials are temporarily placed on your teeth painlessly within minutes, demonstrating how a number of different cosmetic procedures could improve your appearance.


The majority of cosmetic improvement is achieved by introducing Porcelain Veneers which allow problems such as gaps, yellow, broken, and crooked teeth to be corrected aesthetically. Working closely with our fantastic laboratory, Dr. Hamblin can create porcelain veneers of the highest aesthetic standard. Everyone will be complimenting you but no one will be able to tell that you have porcelain veneers. They look natural and can be finished within 3 days instead of the usual 3 weeks. Obviously, costs for your 3 day smile makeover are slightly higher but for the busy VIP this is the ideal solution.


3 day smiles can only be scheduled after a full consultation and assessment with Dr. Hamblin.

Cosmetic Dentist in  Utah - Provo- Orem - Salt Lake City Hamblin Dental will treat you right with (801) ALL-SMILE (255-7645) Hamblin Dental 

Monday, December 10, 2012

Cosmetic Dentistry in Utah - Provo- Orem - Salt Lake City


What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are man-made appliances (cylinders and mesh frameworks) that are surgically placed into or onto the jawbone to replace missing tooth roots. Once the bone attaches to the implants, they become rock-solid anchors to support new teeth. (See Implant Types).

Osseointegrated implants are effective in over ninety-six percent of all patients treated. HAMBLIN DENTAL-IMPLANT & AESTHETICS is one of the leading centers for osseointegrated dental implants in the United States.

A natural tooth consists of a crown (the part you see above the gum), and the root (the part hidden under the gum). It is the root in the jawbone that actually holds the natural tooth in place. A dental implant is a small man-made titanium fixture that serves as a replacement for the root portion of a missing natural tooth. Titanium is used because it is the most compatible with our human body. The dental implant is placed in the bone of the upper or lower jaw and functions as an anchor for the replacement tooth. After the bone has grown around the implant, implants can hold a crown, bridge or overdenture just like roots hold natural teeth in place.

Implants provide additional support where teeth are missing without putting forces onto remaining natural teeth. They may be used to support the replacement of a single missing tooth or a complete functional set for individuals who have lost many or all of their teeth.


What Are The Benefits Of Dental Implants?

When teeth are lost, ongoing shrinkage of the jawbone occurs making the face look older. Dental implants can slow or stop this process. Dental implants look and feel like your own natural teeth.

Dental implants eliminate the pain and discomfort of removable full or partial dentures. Since dentures sit on top of the jawbone and gums, continuous shrinkage of the jaw bone alters the fit of the denture resulting in slipping or rocking of the dentures. Exposed nerves and irritation of the gum tissue may add to the discomfort. Implant supported replacement teeth are like natural teeth because they are anchored securely to your jawbone. Gum irritation and the pain of exposed nerves associated with conventional full or partial dentures are eliminated.

With ill fitting dentures, the teeth slip and slide around the mouth. The facial muscles become tense in an attempt to hold the teeth in place. This often results in mumbling, slurred speech or clicking noises. Replacement teeth allow you to speak with confidence in a relaxed and natural tone.

The average denture patient with an excellent fitting denture eats at 15-20% efficiency when compared to a person with natural teeth. As the jawbone shrinks, your chewing efficiency is reduced even more, making it difficult to eat certain foods. Dental implants can restore chewing efficiency comparable to that of natural teeth. This allows you to eat your favorite foods with confidence and without pain, enjoy what everyone is eating and not think twice about it. A full upper denture covers the palate of the mouth and reduces the ability to taste foods. With dental implants, you can have the palate removed from your upper denture so you can taste and enjoy your food.

Dental implants can eliminate the numerous embarrassing inconveniences of removable partial and full dentures. You will eliminate the use of gooey denture adhesives that must be re-applied throughout the day. You will no longer need to cover your mouth when you laugh or smile, for fear that your teeth will pop out or fall down.

Dental implants are often more appropriate than a bridge for the replacement of one or more adjacent teeth. With conventional bridgework, the teeth surrounding missing teeth must be ground down. Dental implants often eliminate the need to modify these teeth, resulting in a conservative, yet esthetic restoration.

Considering all other benefits, dental implants can improve your self-esteem. You may feel better about yourself. You can regain nearly all the capabilities that most people have with natural teeth, giving you renewed confidence, and allowing you to enjoy life, do what everyone else is doing and not think twice about it.


  • Improved Appearance

  • Improved Comfort

  • Improved Speech

  • Eat Better

  • Convenience

  • Protect Your Remaining Natural Teeth

  • Improved Self Esteem


Free Dental Guide. Text your name and email to (801) 701-8074.


Salt Lake City Dentist - Utah Cosmetic Dentist - Dental Implants Utah

call (801) ALL-SMILE (255-7645) Hamblin Dental 

Dentist in Salt Lake City - Salt Lake City Utah Dentist - Hamblin Dental, an Implant Specialist is focused on providing Salt Lake City Dental Implants, Teeth Whitening, and General Dentistry for Utah.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

October is National Hygiene Month!

  Don't let Halloween candy rot your teeth or you might end up feeling like this guy! Remember to care for your teeth this October! Here are some tips to help you be happier and healthier! Brush 2 minutes 2x daily! Floss Daily! Rinse with Mouthwash! And Remember to see your Dentist twice a year!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

 I love changing people lives 

 This is an email I received from a recent patient. I'm so lucky to have such a rewarding job! Thanks again. I just wanted to tell you that I wish you could hear what people are saying. I don't think a day passes that someone doesn't comment on your work. Or if they don't know me, they will tell me what a beautiful smile I have. I use to practice NOT smiling so no one would look at my teeth. Now, I believe they are my best feature. The other day some one told me I helped their daughter. When her daughter tried to describe me to her, she said 'The pretty blonde one'. I had to ask her who she was talking about. Any way, Thanks again.

 I do wish you could hear.-Patient

Friday, September 21, 2012

Choosing a Dentist in Salt Lake City, Utah

Choosing a Dentist in Salt Lake City, Utah

Free Dental Guide. Text your name and email to (801) 701-8074.

Choosing a Dentist in Salt Lake City, Utah

FREE Report Reveals the Truth Concerning Common Misconceptions About Dental Care That Are Keeping You from a Healthy, Happy Smile You Can Be Proud Of

Brand New Insider Report Clears Away the Fog and Reveals Tips and Secrets for Choosing a Reputable Dentist That Won’t Subject You to Unnecessary Treatments

Common Misconceptions about Dental Care That are Keeping You from a Healthy, Happy Smile You Can Be Proud Of, and you will discover valuable information that most consumers will never know including:

    • Effective steps to achieve good dental hygiene

    • Common rip-offs and mistakes to avoid when seeking dental care

    • The truth about common misconceptions surrounding dental care that may be keeping you from the healthy smile you desire

    • How to find an ethical and affordable dental care provider

    • Tips to avoid unnecessary treatments that could otherwise increase your dental care costs


Text your Name & Email to 801-701-8074

Grab this FREE REPORT NOW to protect yourself from unethical dentists that would put you through painful and expensive treatments just to boost their bottom line!

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Your email address will not be shared or sold.

Once you have this information in your arsenal of consumer knowledge you will immediately be better equipped to make an informed decision about choosing a dentist that will provide prompt and affordable dental care while easing your anxiety and treating you with dignity and respect. Grab this FREE REPORT NOW to protect yourself from unethical dentists that would put you through painful and expensive treatments just to boost their bottom line!

Enter your name and email address in the form to the right to get your hands on my FREE REPORT,

Common Misconceptions about Dental Care That are Keeping You from a Healthy, Happy Smile You Can Be Proud Of.

Free Dental Guide. Text your name and email to (801) 701-8074. Salt Lake City Dentist - Utah Cosmetic Dentist - Dental Implants Utah call (801) ALL-SMILE (255-7645) Hamblin Dental

Dentist in Salt Lake City - Salt Lake City Utah Dentist - Hamblin Dental, an Implant Specialist is focused on providing Salt Lake City Dental Implants, Teeth Whitening, and General Dentistry for Utah.

Dentist in Salt Lake City - Salt Lake City Utah Dentist - Hamblin Dental, an Implant Specialist is focused on providing Salt Lake City Dental Implants, Teeth Whitening, and General Dentistry for Utah. Free Dental Guide. Text your name and email to (801) 701-8074. or visit

Salt Lake City Dentist -

Utah Cosmetic Dentist - Dental Implants Utah call (801) ALL-SMILE (255-7645) Hamblin Dental

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Dental Implants in Salt Lake City By Dr. Scott Hamblin

Dental Implants in Salt Lake City By Dr. Scott Hamblin

It has been noted by many social studies that the first thing we notice about people is their eyes. The second thing we notice is their smile.

Often, we are judged professionally and socially based on our appearance. A confident smile helps us project a positive image. People who don't smile naturally, may be seen as timid, lacking confidence, or possibly, even unfriendly. When your smile is healthy and attractive, many benefits follow. When you smile, people around you will smile too!

Nature didn't give you a perfect smile? Do you wish you could wave a magic wand and have a smile that projects your true personality?

Porcelain Veneers are a breakthrough in cosmetic dentistry. Veneers are a thin, "shell" of porcelain that are bonded to your teeth. Veneers enable us to change the color, shape, and alignment of your teeth in just two visits.

Veneers are more durable than conventional "bonding." Because they are made of porcelain, they are very strong and are resistant to staining and chipping. An additional advantage of Veneers is that they are a more conservative procedure than crowns.

Veneers are a cosmetic treatment for a variety of dental conditions including:

Spaces or gaps

Broken or chipped teeth

Stained or discolored teeth-you can have a whiter, brighter smile!

Crooked teeth

The change in a person's appearance after a "smile lift" can be dramatic. When we look good, we feel good, and the people around us take notice. Projecting an image of self-confidence can be life-changing! Dr. Hamblin has been changing the lives of many with veneers for over 20 years.  We have had patients get married, land a new job, or get a promotion soon after getting their new smile!

People seek aesthetic or cosmetic dentistry for a variety of reasons. Some people want to look younger, and aesthetic dentistry is like a smile facelift that can quickly "reverse" the natural aging process of the teeth. Others, the majority, have had an unattractive smile their whole lives and have always felt self-conscious because of this. They rarely smile, which covers up a pleasant side of their personality.

Modern dentistry offers a wide variety of treatment options for people seeking to enhance their smile. The options range from porcelain veneers, dental implants, porcelain crowns to braces (or invisalign)! In many situations, a combination of these techniques is required to provide the ultimate result.

Dr. Scott Hamblin explains the many different techniques available in the field of aesthetic dentistry and shows you the simulated before and after right on the computer screen and sometimes he actually can show you what your new smile could look like when treatment is completed. If you have ever thought about cosmetic dentistry, this appointment with Dr Hamblin can be extremely helpful in understanding what is possible.

Dentist in Salt Lake City - Salt Lake City Utah Dentist - Hamblin Dental, an Implant Specialist is focused on providing Salt Lake City Dental Implants, Teeth Whitening, and General Dentistry for Utah. Free Dental Guide. Text your name and email to (801) 701-8074. or visit

Salt Lake City Dentist -

Utah Cosmetic Dentist - Dental Implants Utah call (801) ALL-SMILE (255-7645) Hamblin Dental

Monday, September 17, 2012

Salt Lake City Dentist - Dentist Salt Lake City

Dentist in Salt Lake City - Salt Lake City Utah Dentist -

Hamblin Dental, an Implant Specialist is focused on providing Salt Lake City Dental Implants, Teeth Whitening, and General Dentistry for Utah.

Dr Scott Hamblin interviews Keith Forsgren of Salt Lake City, Utah. Age 96.

Dr Scott Hamblin:  How do you like your new implanted teeth?

Keith Forsgren:  They're Great!

Dr Scott Hamblin:  What do you like best about your new Smile?

Keith Forsgren: Well, I think it looks better than it did?

Dr Scott Hamblin: Are you able to chew better?

Keith Forsgren:  I don't see anything so I don't  personally benefit from the vision part of it.

Dr Scott Hamblin: You don't have younger women asking you out on dates or anything like that?

Keith Forsgren: (Keith Laughs)

Dr Scott Hamblin: How often do you golf now?

Keith Forsgren:  Twice a Week!

Dr Scott Hamblin: Twice a Week!  Do you go with your brothers, or your sons?  Who do you go with?

Keith Forsgren:  I go with my brothers and my sons.

Keith Forsgren:  "You are Blind! "  I said, well I've known that for five years.  They thought they told me something I didn't know.  

Dr Scott Hamblin: So, after you had your teeth fixed, they said you had to put everything in the blender?

Keith Forsgren: Ya, Here I spent a little bit of money on teeth, and then I wasn't gonna be able, they were going to blend everything so I could drink it.

Dr Scott Hamblin: Ya, but now you can eat anything?  

Keith Forsgren: Ya, I had some corn on the cob out of my garden the other day, I ate two ears. That's the first time I've been able to eat corn on the cob for a long time.  

Dr Scott Hamblin: Nice, Did you grow it then?

Keith Forsgren:  Yes, I grew it, and it was delicious, I ate two ears that night. You know it tastes so good when you can eat it with your own teeth.  Not like this cutting it off the cob and eating it that way.  It was great!  That was the best corn I've tasted in a long time.

Keith Forsgren: I feel good, and I'm hitting the ball pretty good, when i'm doing the right things.

Dr Scott Hamblin: How was your experience here at Hamblin Dental Implant and Aesthetic?

Keith Forsgren: It's great!  You are great people!  Nice, and you treated me good!

Hamblin Dental is Salt Lake City's Dentist of Choice. -Amazing New Cosmetic Dental Procedures Make Dental Frustrations A Thing Of The Past!

Porcelain Veneers | DaVinci Porcelain Veneers | Lumineers | Porcelain Onlays/Inlays | Tooth Whitening | Cosmetic Dentistry Tooth Shaping | Cosmetic Dentistry Resin/Fillings | Cosmetic Dentistry Gum-Lifts | Cosmetic Dentistry Braces | Extreme Makeover

"The eyes are the window to the soul. A smile is the window to the heart."

What is Aesthetic Dentistry?

DEFINITION OF AESTHETIC -- characterized by an appreciation of beauty or good taste; "that which appeals to the senses" pleasing in appearance. People seek aesthetic dentistry for a variety of reasons. Some people want to look younger, and aesthetic dentistry is like a smile facelift that can quickly "reverse" the natural aging process of the teeth. Others, the majority, have had an unattractive smile their whole lives and have always felt self-conscious because of this. They rarely smile, which covers up a pleasant side of their personality.
Modern dentistry offers a wide variety of treatment options for people seeking to enhance their smile. The options range from porcelain veneers, dental implants, porcelain crowns to braces (or invisalign)! In many situations, a combination of these techniques is required to provide the ultimate result.
Dr. Scott Hamblin explains the many different techniques available in the field of aesthetic dentistry and shows you the simulated before and after right on the computer screen and sometimes he actually can show you what your new smile could look like when treatment is completed. If you have ever thought about cosmetic dentistry, this appointment with Dr Hamblin can be extremely helpful in understanding what is possible.

Dental Implants as a primary treatment option has grown enormously over the last few years both within the profession and the general public. It offers a very predictable method of replacing single or multiple teeth up to full arch reconstruction and to stabilize problem dentures.

Success rates of 98% are usual, whichever Implant system is used. We have placed and restored over 2,000 Implants over 20 years, using various systems, and this work now occupies over 80% of our clinical time.

Free Dental Guide. Text your name and email to (801) 701-8074. Salt Lake City Dentist - Utah Cosmetic Dentist - Dental Implants Utah call (801) ALL-SMILE (255-7645) Hamblin Dental

Dentist in Salt Lake City - Salt Lake City Utah Dentist - Hamblin Dental, an Implant Specialist is focused on providing Salt Lake City Dental Implants, Teeth Whitening, and General Dentistry for Utah.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Dentist in Sandy - Sandy Utah Dentist

Dentist in Sandy - Sandy Utah Dentist


If you are searching for an experienced and professional dental care in Sandy Utah, then let it be clear in prior that now it is very easy to find an experienced doctor for tooth implantation in Sandy Utah. Moreover, you should always try to select a doctor on whom you can trust. It is very important to find quality doctors especially for dental care or for any emergency surgery or for problems regarding to cosmetology. Selecting a quality doctor in Sandy Utah can make your experience memorable. All the dentists of Sandy Utah are well trained and possess enough experience to manage any issues related to dental care. But as a patient it is very important to do your homework in prior visiting your doctor for dental care. You should only try to select a dental care doctor who is well qualified and possess enough experience in the related field. Today there are numerous individuals in this world those who take their teeth for granted without realizing the impact of their teeth on their overall health. So, it is very important that the doctor you will select should be a knowledgeable person in their area of expertise.

There are various types of dentists available in Sandy Utah, and some of them are Endodontist, Orthodontist, Pediatric-Dentist, and Peridontist. So, select according to your requirements so that problem related to your teeth, gums etc can be cured properly. The best place to do your research work is the internet, through internet you will be able to see reviews of the dentists of Sandy Utah and also you will be able to check their scheduling and availability, their staff, the attitude of the doctor towards his/her profession and the procedure of the treatments. Moreover, from there you will be able to have a view at the price list and you can also compare the price list with other doctors available there. However, these steps will not do everything to select the correct dentist for you but these steps are the stepping stones towards selecting a correct doctor for dental care in Sandy Utah.

Some of the major criteria with the help of which you will be able to select the right doctor for your dental care:

Firstly, check that whether your doctor possess the complete education regarding dental care or not.

Secondly, check whether the dental clinic is well equipped or not. The clinic should posses all the modern equipments like loops etc.

Thirdly, check whether the clinic is a hygienic place with best sterilization techniques or not.

Fourthly, you should also check whether your queries are answered properly or not, every process should be explained to you in a proper way, so that you will be able to understand every process of treatment properly.

Fifthly, always make sure about the surgery in prior, it should be comfortable and not painful.

Sixthly, the most important thing is that please check the experience of the doctor. This means you have to check for how many years they have been in the related field.

Hamblin Dental is a premium name in providing Dental Care , General Dentist, Sandy Utah, Cosmetic Dentist, Sandy Utah, etc. People who want to get information about them can visit and get more information.

or call

(801) ALL-SMILE (255-7645)

To get a free guide to picking the right dentist text your name and email to 801-701-8074

Monday, August 27, 2012

Dentist in Salt Lake - Salt Lake City Dentist

Dentist in Salt Lake - Salt Lake City Dentist


Dentist in Salt Lake - Salt Lake City Dentist

Do you often see yourself making a conscious effort to avoid smiling in public, and think of ways to cover up the teeth? Dental implants are just one of the answers in replacing your damaged teeth or those gaps between the teeth with the most-natural-looking false teeth. Dental implants can last longer than other dental procedures of restoring damaged or lost teeth, like dental bridges and dentures, but implants should be given proper care for longer lifespan.

With the latest advancements in techniques of implanting teeth, dental implants are now more accepted for anchoring false teeth in the jawbone.  During the implant procedure, false root devices are planted into your jawbone to support your tooth, dentures, or a row of missing teeth.  Implants are very durable and definitely safe, and may well last over a decade.  Taking good care of your implants and keeping your tongue, gums, and cheek walls clean and healthy will help keep your teeth functional for a lifetime.  This is why after the implant procedure you must pursue important oral hygiene habits like brushing, flossing, and regular cleaning of your newly implanted teeth.

Taking Care of Your Dental Implants

If dental implants are taken care of as if they were natural teeth, they tend to last for years, even for a whole lifetime. By consideringrecommended dental maintenance and safety tips below, you can enjoy healthy and good-looking implanted teeth.

1. Get rested after the implant procedure

Immediately after the dental implant surgery, your dentist may suggest that you to take rest of the day with your head elevated. Though uncomfortable, it should be done in order to have your implants heal correctly and quickly.

2. Clean your teeth and implants every time you eat

Implants feel and function like your natural teeth so make it a habit to clean your new implants and natural teeth after each meal in order to prevent infection and control bacterial occurrence. You can buy special dental instruments and brushes available in the market that can help you clean your artificial replacements in a better way, without damaging the implant's surface. You should also keep your mouth and tongue properly cleaned.

3. Start flossing

Flossing is important for the health of both your natural and implanted teeth. After getting your implanted teeth, you should use gauze or special floss to cleanse the implanted teeth. Keep in mind that the implants are to be cleaned properly so that they continue functioning in a healthy way.

4. Go to your dentist for a regular checkup

In order to keep your implants healthy and in good shape, periodic follow-up visits with your dentist is a must to make sure that your implants are not loose and that your other normal teeth and gums are always healthy. Going for a checkup on your implanted artificial tooth or teeth twice in a year is usually recommended.

5. Follow your dentist’s instructions

Your dentist knows implicitly how to take care of your implant that is why it is important that you follow his/her instructions carefully after the teeth implantation.

6. Watch the food and drink you consume

It's perfectly okay to eat most foods after getting your new teeth implanted but avoid chewing hard objects like ice and sticky foods like candies at least for a week following the implantation.To insure the best possible outcome, you should limit your food intake to light meals like soup and yogurt. Smoking and drinking any beverages through a straw immediately after the implants are not recommended as both practices create suction that may pull your stitches.


ree Dental Guide. Text your name and email to (801) 701-8074. Salt Lake City Dentist - Utah Cosmetic Dentist - Dental Implants Utah call (801) ALL-SMILE (255-7645)

Hamblin Dental

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Salt Lake Dentist - Cosmetic Dentist in Salt Lake City

Dr Hamblin vs ClearChoice

It is my opinion that 'chain' clinics tend to have a cookie cutter approach to every patient. This has been my experience with patients who have come to see me after going to a ClearChoice center. Most people who have come to me for a second opinion were given only one option at Clear Choice. Their ONE choice was the 'All On 4' surgery and hybrid screw retained acrylic denture.  Acrylic/resin fixed dentures tend to take on odor and stains fairly soon.   If you have been to one of these centers please let us know about your experience.


One patient that came to us after going to ClearChoice felt suspicious when ClearChoice pushed them to start treatment immediately. We feel that with big decisions like this you should feel comfortable and be given ample time to discuss things with your family.


I am not certain as to ClearChoice's exact fees for implant surgery, the temporary prosthesis, or the final prosthesis. I do know that patients I have treated with dental implants have told me that they 'wished they had done this years ago'. So, from my experience, patients have felt the value they have received from us was well worth it. I know that no matter where you go to have dental implant surgery, the fee you will be quoted will probably be twice what you expected. You need to decide several things; if the improved quality of life is worth it, if the doctor is experienced, and if you are getting the best VALUE and the best care for YOU.  **Currently we are participating in an Implant Study.  See 'internet specials' page on our website for current offers.


Clear choice, being a chain, may have some of these problems and complaints nationwide. It is important to know that dental implant surgery fees are not just the cost per implant. If the treatment plan is too aggressive, the cost of the surgical phase and the prosthetic phase could be more than what is best for you and your budget. It is always in your best interest to go to a dentist you trust, who is more conservative in their treatment, and gives you options.


The 'All On 4' technique was developed by Nobel Biocare and Paulo Malo from Portugal. Nobel is a reputable dental implant company and Dr. Malo is one of the most knowledgeable dentists I have met. I agree with his concern about helping patients by avoiding extensive bone grafting and trying to keep the costs affordable.


I also like using a porcelain fused to gold or porcelain fused to titanium final prosthesis, as this looks very natural, involves less maintenance, and doesn't pick up bad odors over time as an acrylic prosthesis will. Regardless of which final prosthesis you opt for (acrylic or porcelain) be sure your dentist is highly experienced and willing to stand

behind his or her work.


Some patients ask me if age is a factor, or "Should I do this at my age?". I think the question you have to ask yourself is, "Can I live with these dentures or these teeth for even 5 more years?". To be a good dental implant candidate, you do need to be in good general health but age is not a factor. It really is a quality of life issue for most of our patients. They just want to be able to chew and smile without showing unsightly or painful teeth. One thing I will say about being a good dental implant candidate, you have to promise to take immaculate care of your new teeth. If you can't do that, there really is no reason to go on with treatment. It would just be a waste of your time and money and mine as well. So, if you are in good general health, and you promise to take immaculate care of your new teeth, you qualify as a candidate for dental implants in our office. One more thing to know about dental implants is that smoking increases the risk of failure. Smokers are 2 1/2 times more likely to have implant failure than a non-smoker. Don't even think about having dental implants placed by me if you plan on staying a heavy smoker.


In order for dental implants to be able to be placed in your jawbone, there needs to be enough bone present. If you are lacking good quality and quantity of bone, there are bone grafting procedures that may be able to give you back enough bone to now place dental implants. I try to avoid bone grafting, but when it is in the patient's best interest, know that i will discuss this with you as an option.


Dental implants cost is made of two parts. There is the cost for the surgery-placing the implant fixtures in the jaw. Then there is a cost for the crown or false tooth that is placed on the implant. Quotes from dentists are ordinarily separated into these two parts because the procedures are often done by 2 different dentists. This is not the case in our office just 20 minutes outside of Salt Lake City in Sandy. We take care of you from start to finish.


Utah has some of the most competitive fees in the country. In fact, we have had many patients fly in from California, Florida, Georgia and save tens of thousands of dollars. To give you some guidelines though, you are looking at from $1000 -$2500 for the surgical fee for a single dental implant. That is assuming that no bone grafting or special procedures are required. Placing the crown or false tooth is an additional $1000- $2500.


If you are having a complete set of teeth placed with dental implants, there is more variation possible because there are so many different ways to tackle that problem. For example, a simple snap-on denture for the lower teeth, retained by two dental implants, can cost from $2500-$7000. If you want to go first class with your new smile, you could spend $50,000- $100,000 for complete replacement of each tooth for either upper or lower jaws.


If you are considering dental implants, ClearChoice dental implant centers might appeal to you. Clear Choice Dental Implant Centers can be found in many cities now. You have seen their TV ads, radio, billboards and large full page newspaper ads. They are very agressive in advertising. Go see what they recommend and then come see us, and you will see the difference for yourself.

Free Dental Guide. Text your name and email to (801) 701-8074. Salt Lake City Dentist - Utah Cosmetic Dentist - Dental Implants Utah call (801) ALL-SMILE (255-7645) Hamblin Dental

Monday, July 30, 2012

Salt Lake Dentist - Cosmetic Dentist in Salt Lake City Salt Lake Dentist - Free Dental Guide. Text your name and email to (801) 701-8074. Salt Lake City Dentist - Utah Cosmetic Dentist - Dental Implants Utah call (801) ALL-SMILE (255-7645) Hamblin Dental

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Dental Implants Utah- Before & After Teeth

Dental Implants Salt Lake City - Before & After Teeth

3 Days To A New Smile

or some, it's Hollywood-style perfection. The cover of Vogue or Glamour. For others it's simply the confidence that comes from having brighter, whiter, teeth. Whatever your ideal smile, we at the Hamblin Dental office in Salt Lake City Utah specialize can help you achieve it...OFTEN in as little as THREE DAYS!


Traveling from a distance? Let us make it easy for you...from arranging limousine service to excellent hotel accommodations within minutes of our Salt Lake City practice. In the majority of cases, your smile makeover can be completed in three days!


Your cosmetic options include bonding, porcelain veneers and whitening. You will enjoy;

Natural looking Tooth colored fillings

The ultimate esthetic crown or veneer, The All-Porcelain Empress Veneer (undetectable and blends in naturally)

"Instant Orthodontics" often allow us to straighten and realign crooked teeth-- often in just TWO visits!!


Only with Dr Hamblin's new advanced techniques will you be turning heads with your new smile in as little as 3 Days! If you are excited to enjoy your stunning new smile but don’t wish to wait the usual 3 weeks, you can now visit us in the morning to start the treatment and return to us just 2 days later and celebrate your breathtaking new smile .


Would you like to see what your new smile could look like without even committing to treatment? Dr Scott Hamblin can show you your new smile almost instantly by artistically sculpting new materials. These new materials are temporarily placed on your teeth painlessly within minutes, demonstrating how a number of different cosmetic procedures could improve your appearance.

Free Dental Guide. Text your name and email to (801) 701-8074. Salt Lake City Dentist - Utah Cosmetic Dentist - Dental Implants Utah call (801) ALL-SMILE (255-7645) Hamblin Dental

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Dental Implants Salt Lake City - Before & After Teeth

Dental Implants Salt Lake City - Before & After Teeth



Now that you know having good oral health attributes to your overall health, follow these

seven (7) steps to stay on top of your dental and oral care:

STEP #1: Make a commitment to your hygiene and brush your teeth at least twice per

day. The longer food particles or bacteria stays in your teeth or mouth the greater

chances of cavities, decay or diseases. If you can brush your teeth after every meal…

even better!

STEP #2: When brushing your teeth, spend at least 2 minutes thoroughly brushing and

cleaning the inside of your mouth. Brush your cheeks and tongue. This will help keep

any bacteria from spreading to your fresh clean teeth. And if you really want to go all out,

use a newer type of toothbrush that emits transonic waves, this strips the fimbria from

microbes, which helps keep them from attaching to the enamel of the tooth. There are

many good brands out there. Just make sure that it isn’t just an electric toothbrush,

where the head moves back and forth. A good transonic toothbrush can be up to $100.

STEP #3: Use dental floss on your teeth once per day. In most cases there isn’t any

other way to get the food particles out from between your teeth. Flossing aids in the

maintenance of your gums and can potentially prevent the need for dentures later in life.

STEP #4: Use a mouthwash after brushing. This helps to wash away and kill any

bacteria that may still be in your mouth.

STEP #5: Rinse with a fluoride, as this helps to protect your tooth surface.

STEP #6: Limit the number of times you snack. Eat a balanced healthy diet, high in

calcium and vitamin C. Avoid sugary foods.

STEP #7: See your Dentist at least two times per year. Regular visits can prevent

emergency care such as aching teeth, gum diseases or tooth decay.

By following these seven (7) steps, you’ll be on your way to a healthy smile you can be

proud of and better oral hygiene.

Free Dental Guide. Text your name and email to (801) 701-8074. Salt Lake City Dentist - Utah Cosmetic Dentist - Dental Implants Utah call (801) ALL-SMILE (255-7645) Hamblin Dental

Friday, June 29, 2012

How to find a Salt Lake Dentist

Dental implants are a fantastic alternative to bridges and dentures and an brilliant alternative to missing teeth. Whether you've recently had to have teeth removed due to decay or lost one or more at an earlier date, you can still be a excellent candidate for one of the two types of dental implant procedures.

Making your smile sparkling and beautiful doesn't have to be time consuming or painful anymore. Now you can have the beautiful smile you've always wanted in as little as one day, and you won't have to suffer pain or anxiety to get it. At Hamblin Dental you get the benefit of Doctor Scott Hamblin's 20 years of experience exclusively in aesthetic, implant, and sedation dentistry. Get a Fresh Start.

A Prosthodontist is a dental specialist in the restoration and replacement of teeth. Extensive training and education provide Prosthodontists with the skills for restoring optimum function and esthetics to your smile. Board certification, recognized by the ADA, ensures the requisite knowledge and skill to provide high quality patient care.

Now there is an even better way to enjoy solid secure beautifully implanted teeth.  A fresh open palate and strong natural bite with no bulky unnatural plastic irritating sensitive gums are just a few advantages dental implants offer. A gentle surgical procedure is performed to place the dental implant. There is no pain during dental implant surgery. Unlike natural teeth, dental implants do not have sensitive nerves. After surgery, mild pain medication is all that is needed.

Bone thickness is important. Fortunately, most people have sufficient bone. If not, new bone can be regenerated with bone grafting.

The benefits of dental implants are wide ranging, from improved appearance and self confidence to a whole new feeling of well being and renewed enjoyment of life's simple pleasures. Dental implant patients can once again eat the healthy foods they have been missing. Apples, corn on the cob, and fresh vegetables are back on the menu...even steak! The scientific evidence is in, and dental implants are safely and effectively replacing the missing teeth and bone that were once lost after extractions. If you have loss of teeth or loss of bone associated with long term denture wear, dental implants probably have important advantages for you.

For two decades, the staff at HAMBLIN DENTAL-IMPLANT & AESTHETIC has been focused upon and energized by creating healthy, brilliant smiles for many patients who thought they were in hopeless dental situations. With the development and perfection of osseointegrated dental implants and aesthetic functional implant prostheses, patients regardless of age can enjoy a compliment of permanent teeth, custom designed to suit their individual appearances. Today, many patients who have a debilitating dental condition can be treated with a new process entitled TODAY TEETH.

Free Dental Guide. Text your name and email to (801) 701-8074. Salt Lake City Dentist - Utah Cosmetic Dentist - Dental Implants Utah call (801) ALL-SMILE (255-7645) Hamblin Dental

Monday, June 4, 2012

How to find a Salt Lake Dentist


Your smile is your own, personal greeting card. It’s one of the first things people see when they meet you. And it leaves a lasting impression. Protect your smile with care from

Salt Lake Dentists.

We provide family dentistry for patients of all ages, including preventive care, root canals, implants and emergency care. Salt Lake Dental Clinics also offer full cosmetic dentistry services such as

crowns, veneers, implants and tooth whitening.

And at Salt Lake Dentists, your comfort and ease are of utmost concern. We have needless

anesthesia, restoration without use of a drill, laughing gas and gentle, gentle touch…always. Enter your Name and Email to recieve your free Dental guide…and smile!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Dental Implants Utah - Dentist Salt Lake City, UT

Dental Implants Utah - Dentist in Salt Lake City UT

Dental Implants is one of the cosmetic dentistry services provided by Hamblin Dental 10011 S. Centennial Pkwy Suite 540 Sandy, Utah 84070
. Call our Sandy, Utah Dental Office 801) ALL-SMILE (255-7645) for cosmetic, general, preventive, teeth whitening, smile makeovers, dental hygiene treatment, restorative, implant and sedation dentistry services.


Energy Drinks and Sports Drinks: Irreversable Damage


Dental Professionals are always telling patients to drink less soda and drink more water.  But did you know that Sports Drinks and Energy Drinks are so acidic they can do more damage than soda?  A lot of people will choose one of these drinks thinking it will improve their sports performance and give them energy.  What they don't understand is that levels of acid are so high in these drinks that they are permanently damaging the tooth enamel.  Once the enamel is compromised, the underlying tooth surface, dentin, is exposed.  This surface is not as strong as enamel and decays much more quickly.   This is becoming a wide spread problem, especially among the youth in our country.  The rate of decay among teenagers is growing and reseachers believe these types of drinks are to blame. 

The best way to manage this type of decay is to aviod these drinks all together.  If you must drink them, you should drink them down, DO NOT SIP ON THEM!!!!  Sipping on these drinks over time does not allow the teeth any time to recover from the acids.  This will cause more rapid decay.  Also, if you have a sports or energy drink you should wait at least an hour before you brush your teeth.  The acids from these drinks soften the enamel.  

If brushing occurs before the enamel hardens up again, it can brush the enamel away.  Drinking or rinsing with water after comsuming a sports or energy drink will help stop the acids from attacking the teeth.  But remember, the best thing is to not drinks these drinks at all.  Water is the best choice!

Friday, May 18, 2012

My Salt Lake Dentist - Dentist Salt Lake City, UT

My Salt Lake Dentist - Dentist Salt Lake City, UT


Our Commitment

Some general dentists have been concerned about referring a patient to another general dentist, until they found our level of commitment to our relationship with them, and the ease and comfort that patients experienced. We are committed to the highest standard of patient and clinical care. We will spend as much time as required to plan treatment and present the treatment to your patient so they can make an informed and appropriate treatment choice. Patients are always provided with a detailed written treatment plan. Patients will only be treated for the conditions or problems for which they were referred. Should additional treatment be required to achieve this goal then we will liaise with the referring dentist prior to any treatment being carried out. We will keep you informed as to the patient's progress and the patient will be referred back on completion of treatment. We make it quite clear to patients that they are your patients and we are being asked to provide a specific service and ongoing care is to be carried out by the referring dentist.

Dental Implants as a primary treatment option has grown enormously over the last few years both within the profession and the general public. It offers a very predictable method of replacing single or multiple teeth up to full arch reconstruction and to stabilize problem dentures.

Success rates of 98% are usual, whichever Implant system is used. We have placed and restored over 2,000 Implants over 20 years, using various systems, and this work now occupies over 80% of our clinical time.

The Facility

The Hamblin Dental Implant Center moved to its present location in Sandy, Utah in January 2006 after 20 plus years in California. Our purpose, is designed to provide optimum levels of personal and clinical care for involved reconstructive procedures. Separate consultation areas with audio-visual aids are used to present treatment to patients. We believe in spending as much time as required to enable patients to make informed and comfortable decisions regarding the possible treatment available to them. Trained and experienced staff are present to deal with all aspects of clinical and patient care. The clinical environment is specifically designed and equipped to provide Implant based reconstructive dentistry with a strong emphasis on infection control.

Levels of Referral

We routinely provide single tooth replacements up to full arch and full mouth Implant borne reconstructions. This includes additional grafting techniques such as sinus augmentation, onlay bone grafts and soft tissue corrections and augmentation where required. A cornerstone of our philosophy is using evidence based techniques to build a sound hard and soft tissue environment into which Implants can be placed. This provides the best chance of predictable, bio-mechanically and aesthetically sound reconstructions.

We appreciate that many practitioners are now involved or becoming involved in Implant dentistry, and as such, we are keen to promote Implant dentistry both to the profession and public alike. This is to the mutual benefit of all concerned. We are able to offer referrals on various levels as listed below and are keen to involve referring dentists in the planning and completion of the treatment.

Level 1: Opinion Only
Patients and dentists who are exploring their treatment options

Level 2: Augmentation Procedures
Patient is referred for hard/or soft tissue augmentations prior to the referring dentist placing and restoring the implants.

Level 3: Surgical Referral
Implant placed along with any augmentation procedures carried out by the Practice. The restorative planning and treatment is carried out by the referring dentist.

Level 4: Full Case Referral
The patient is referred for all planning, surgical and restorative aspects of the treatment.

All patients referred to our practice are graciously returned to the referring office immediately following the requested services.

We are extremely enthusiastic about Implant dentistry and are happy to offer advice and technical back-up to dentists who wish to become involved in restoring straight forward cases and to establish Implant dentistry as a treatment option for their Practice. Various Implant systems have been used in the Practice, including Nobel Biocare, Zimmer, Straumann, Blue-Sky Bio, Astra, MIS 7, Implant Direct and Ankylos.

Dental Implants Utah - Utah Dental Implants

Dental Implant Utah- Utah Dental Implants


Hamblin Dental: Salt Lake City-Amazing New Cosmetic Dental Procedures Make Dental Frustrations A Thing Of The Past!

Porcelain Veneers | DaVinci Porcelain Veneers | Lumineers | Porcelain Onlays/Inlays | Tooth Whitening | Cosmetic Dentistry Tooth Shaping | Cosmetic Dentistry Resin/Fillings | Cosmetic Dentistry Gum-Lifts | Cosmetic Dentistry Braces | Extreme Makeover

"The eyes are the window to the soul. A smile is the window to the heart."

It has been noted by many social studies that the first thing we notice about people is their eyes. The second thing we notice is their smile.

Often, we are judged professionally and socially based on our appearance. A confident smile helps us project a positive image. People who don't smile naturally, may be seen as timid, lacking confidence, or possibly, even unfriendly. When your smile is healthy and attractive, many benefits follow. When you smile, people around you will smile too!

Nature didn't give you a perfect smile? Do you wish you could wave a magic wand and have a smile that projects your true personality?

Porcelain Veneers are a breakthrough in cosmetic dentistry. Veneers are a thin, "shell" of porcelain that are bonded to your teeth. Veneers enable us to change the color, shape, and alignment of your teeth in just two visits.

Veneers are more durable than conventional "bonding." Because they are made of porcelain, they are very strong and are resistant to staining and chipping. An additional advantage of Veneers is that they are a more conservative procedure than crowns.

Veneers are a cosmetic treatment for a variety of dental conditions including:

  • Spaces or gaps
  • Broken or chipped teeth
  • Stained or discolored teeth-you can have a whiter, brighter smile!
  • Crooked teeth

The change in a person's appearance after a "smile lift" can be dramatic. When we look good, we feel good, and the people around us take notice. Projecting an image of self-confidence can be life-changing! Dr. Hamblin has been changing the lives of many with veneers for over 20 years.  We have had patients get married, land a new job, or get a promotion soon after getting their new smile!

People seek aesthetic or cosmetic dentistry for a variety of reasons. Some people want to look younger, and aesthetic dentistry is like a smile facelift that can quickly "reverse" the natural aging process of the teeth. Others, the majority, have had an unattractive smile their whole lives and have always felt self-conscious because of this. They rarely smile, which covers up a pleasant side of their personality.

Modern dentistry offers a wide variety of treatment options for people seeking to enhance their smile. The options range from porcelain veneers, dental implants, porcelain crowns to braces (or invisalign)! In many situations, a combination of these techniques is required to provide the ultimate result.

Dr. Scott Hamblin explains the many different techniques available in the field of aesthetic dentistry and shows you the simulated before and after right on the computer screen and sometimes he actually can show you what your new smile could look like when treatment is completed. If you have ever thought about cosmetic dentistry, this appointment with Dr Hamblin can be extremely helpful in understanding what is possible. 

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Salt Lake City Dentist - Utah Cosmetic Dentist

Salt Lake City Dentist - Utah Cosmetic Dentist


Salt Lake City Dentist - Utah Cosmetic Dentist

Only with Dr Hamblin's new advanced techniques will you be turning heads with your new smile in as little as 3 Days! If you are excited to enjoy your stunning new smile but don’t wish to wait the usual 3 weeks, you can now visit us in the morning to start the treatment and return to us just 2 days later and celebrate your breathtaking new smile .


Would you like to see what your new smile could look like without even committing to treatment? Dr Scott Hamblin can show you your new smile almost instantly by artistically sculpting new materials. These new materials are temporarily placed on your teeth painlessly within minutes, demonstrating how a number of different cosmetic procedures could improve your appearance.


The majority of cosmetic improvement is achieved by introducing Porcelain Veneers which allow problems such as gaps, yellow, broken, and crooked teeth to be corrected aesthetically. Working closely with our fantastic laboratory, Dr. Hamblin can create porcelain veneers of the highest aesthetic standard. Everyone will be complimenting you but no one will be able to tell that you have porcelain veneers. They look natural and can be finished within 3 days instead of the usual 3 weeks. Obviously, costs for your 3 day smile makeover are slightly higher but for the busy VIP this is the ideal solution.


3 day smiles can only be scheduled after a full consultation and assessment with Dr. Hamblin. Dr. Hamblin takes the time to listen to you and provide you with the best care possible. Because he limits his practice to treating only one patient at a time, you know that Dr. Hamblin is there to serve your needs. You have his undivided attention. We know your time is important.

(801) ALL-SMILE (255-7645) Call today to schedule your FREE consultation. We can meet face to face and decide if we want to work together. 

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Dental Implants Utah - Benefits of Dental Implants

Dental Implants Utah - Benefits of Dental Implants


Glenda Ryser, Implant Patient from Utah
"For many years I had, what I labeled, an incurable, unrealistic fear of the dentist. It wasn't a fear obtained through a horrible incident. For me, it was an imagined, "what if" fear. I didn't like having "NO CONTROL" over the dentist's actions. My mind said "What if his instrument slipped and it hit my nasal passage, or worse yet, my brain? What if I had a heart attack from my fear? Would he be able to save me? What if they didn't numb me enough? What if I felt pain?" I used to joke that I'd rather give birth on the floor in the middle of a huge, unknown crowd rather than go to the dentist. Next there were the noises and smells. I didn't want to hear the "whir" of an instrument. I couldn't stand the antiseptic smell. How would I truly know if the instruments were sterilized? My mind just went into a frenzied state. I just plain did NOT like going to the dentist.


So, over the years I had issues which ultimately led to a gap in my smile. I had a temporary "flipper" but wanted a "real" tooth in its place. I covered my mouth when I smiled, didn't like the feel of this foreign object in my mouth and wanted my smile back. I began researching dental implants and really loved the idea. I got up the nerve to, at least, go in for a complimentary exam. My heart was racing. The thought of even sitting in the chair gave me great anxiety. I chose Dr. Hamblin because he did offer sedation dentistry. I called Becky, his receptionist, who is wonderfully supportive and caring! His entire staff is very caring and supportive of each patient.


I expressed my fears and unrealistic concerns to Dr. Hamblin and he assured me that he would make me as comfortable as I needed to be to have the implant. He didn't underscore my fears. He and his staff guided me through each and every step of the implant. I chose the sedation more from fear and anxiety than anything else. On the day of the start of the procedure I was still panicky and scared. His assistant gave me another "pill" shortly before the procedure and the next thing I knew my sister-in-law was calling me to check in on me after she had brought me home. Becky called to check on me the same day. I had very minimal pain and had the necessary medication in case it was too awful.

Dr. Hamblin and his staff have helped me release most of my fears of the dentist and I am proud and happy to say I can go for a cleaning without any medication and a minimal amount of fear. "Thank you" seems like such simple words but they are deep from my heart to Dr. H and his staff! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" -Glenda Ryser, Implant Patient from Utah


Judy Boswell, Implant & Aesthetic Patient from Utah

"I’m so happy I found Dr. Hamblin and am thrilled with the results of my dental implants! I had a very difficult situation with my upper teeth and considerable bone loss, but with Dr. Hamblin’s expertise he was able to place the implants in such a way that I now have a beautiful upper bridge permanently attached to give me a perfect smile. Dr. Hamblin was wonderful throughout and his staff was professional, friendly and very caring. I highly recommend Hamblin Dental Implant & Aesthetic for the best possible implant experience! Thank you so much! " Judy Boswell, Implant & Aesthetic Patient from Utah Dr. Hamblin takes the time to listen to you and provide you with the best care possible. Because he limits his practice to treating only one patient at a time, you know that Dr. Hamblin is there to serve your needs. You have his undivided attention. We know your time is important.

(801) ALL-SMILE (255-7645) Call today to schedule your FREE consultation. We can meet face to face and decide if we want to work together.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Hamblin Dental is -My Salt Lake Dentist

Come to Hamblin Dental for all of your Dental Needs. Specializing in Teeth in an Hour and Today Teeth. Porcelain Veneers, DaVinci Porcelain Veneers, Lumineers, Porcelain Onlays/Inlays,Tooth Whitening , Cosmetic Dentistry Tooth Shaping ,Cosmetic Dentistry Resin/Fillings,Cosmetic Dentistry Gum-Lifts , Cosmetic Dentistry Braces, Extreme Makeover,Veneers are a cosmetic treatment for a variety of dental conditions including: Spaces or gaps, Broken or chipped teeth, Stained or discolored teeth-you can have a whiter,brighter smile,Crooked teeth. Sandy, Utah and the surrounding area turn to Hamblin Dental for the best, most personalized and gentle dentistry available. Our professionals are committed to ongoing education and learning, and they can do everything from routine checkups to implants. So don't wait to let our friendly and helpful office staff assist you. Hamblin Dental, Call Today! Hamblin Dental (801) 896-8469 10011 Centennial Pkwy. Sandy, UT 84070