Dental Implants Utah

Dental Implants Utah
Dr Scott Hamblin

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Dental Implants in Salt Lake City By Dr. Scott Hamblin

Dental Implants in Salt Lake City By Dr. Scott Hamblin

It has been noted by many social studies that the first thing we notice about people is their eyes. The second thing we notice is their smile.

Often, we are judged professionally and socially based on our appearance. A confident smile helps us project a positive image. People who don't smile naturally, may be seen as timid, lacking confidence, or possibly, even unfriendly. When your smile is healthy and attractive, many benefits follow. When you smile, people around you will smile too!

Nature didn't give you a perfect smile? Do you wish you could wave a magic wand and have a smile that projects your true personality?

Porcelain Veneers are a breakthrough in cosmetic dentistry. Veneers are a thin, "shell" of porcelain that are bonded to your teeth. Veneers enable us to change the color, shape, and alignment of your teeth in just two visits.

Veneers are more durable than conventional "bonding." Because they are made of porcelain, they are very strong and are resistant to staining and chipping. An additional advantage of Veneers is that they are a more conservative procedure than crowns.

Veneers are a cosmetic treatment for a variety of dental conditions including:

Spaces or gaps

Broken or chipped teeth

Stained or discolored teeth-you can have a whiter, brighter smile!

Crooked teeth

The change in a person's appearance after a "smile lift" can be dramatic. When we look good, we feel good, and the people around us take notice. Projecting an image of self-confidence can be life-changing! Dr. Hamblin has been changing the lives of many with veneers for over 20 years.  We have had patients get married, land a new job, or get a promotion soon after getting their new smile!

People seek aesthetic or cosmetic dentistry for a variety of reasons. Some people want to look younger, and aesthetic dentistry is like a smile facelift that can quickly "reverse" the natural aging process of the teeth. Others, the majority, have had an unattractive smile their whole lives and have always felt self-conscious because of this. They rarely smile, which covers up a pleasant side of their personality.

Modern dentistry offers a wide variety of treatment options for people seeking to enhance their smile. The options range from porcelain veneers, dental implants, porcelain crowns to braces (or invisalign)! In many situations, a combination of these techniques is required to provide the ultimate result.

Dr. Scott Hamblin explains the many different techniques available in the field of aesthetic dentistry and shows you the simulated before and after right on the computer screen and sometimes he actually can show you what your new smile could look like when treatment is completed. If you have ever thought about cosmetic dentistry, this appointment with Dr Hamblin can be extremely helpful in understanding what is possible.

Dentist in Salt Lake City - Salt Lake City Utah Dentist - Hamblin Dental, an Implant Specialist is focused on providing Salt Lake City Dental Implants, Teeth Whitening, and General Dentistry for Utah. Free Dental Guide. Text your name and email to (801) 701-8074. or visit

Salt Lake City Dentist -

Utah Cosmetic Dentist - Dental Implants Utah call (801) ALL-SMILE (255-7645) Hamblin Dental

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