Dental Implants Utah

Dental Implants Utah
Dr Scott Hamblin

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Salt Lake Dentist - Cosmetic Dentist in Salt Lake City

Dr Hamblin vs ClearChoice

It is my opinion that 'chain' clinics tend to have a cookie cutter approach to every patient. This has been my experience with patients who have come to see me after going to a ClearChoice center. Most people who have come to me for a second opinion were given only one option at Clear Choice. Their ONE choice was the 'All On 4' surgery and hybrid screw retained acrylic denture.  Acrylic/resin fixed dentures tend to take on odor and stains fairly soon.   If you have been to one of these centers please let us know about your experience.


One patient that came to us after going to ClearChoice felt suspicious when ClearChoice pushed them to start treatment immediately. We feel that with big decisions like this you should feel comfortable and be given ample time to discuss things with your family.


I am not certain as to ClearChoice's exact fees for implant surgery, the temporary prosthesis, or the final prosthesis. I do know that patients I have treated with dental implants have told me that they 'wished they had done this years ago'. So, from my experience, patients have felt the value they have received from us was well worth it. I know that no matter where you go to have dental implant surgery, the fee you will be quoted will probably be twice what you expected. You need to decide several things; if the improved quality of life is worth it, if the doctor is experienced, and if you are getting the best VALUE and the best care for YOU.  **Currently we are participating in an Implant Study.  See 'internet specials' page on our website for current offers.


Clear choice, being a chain, may have some of these problems and complaints nationwide. It is important to know that dental implant surgery fees are not just the cost per implant. If the treatment plan is too aggressive, the cost of the surgical phase and the prosthetic phase could be more than what is best for you and your budget. It is always in your best interest to go to a dentist you trust, who is more conservative in their treatment, and gives you options.


The 'All On 4' technique was developed by Nobel Biocare and Paulo Malo from Portugal. Nobel is a reputable dental implant company and Dr. Malo is one of the most knowledgeable dentists I have met. I agree with his concern about helping patients by avoiding extensive bone grafting and trying to keep the costs affordable.


I also like using a porcelain fused to gold or porcelain fused to titanium final prosthesis, as this looks very natural, involves less maintenance, and doesn't pick up bad odors over time as an acrylic prosthesis will. Regardless of which final prosthesis you opt for (acrylic or porcelain) be sure your dentist is highly experienced and willing to stand

behind his or her work.


Some patients ask me if age is a factor, or "Should I do this at my age?". I think the question you have to ask yourself is, "Can I live with these dentures or these teeth for even 5 more years?". To be a good dental implant candidate, you do need to be in good general health but age is not a factor. It really is a quality of life issue for most of our patients. They just want to be able to chew and smile without showing unsightly or painful teeth. One thing I will say about being a good dental implant candidate, you have to promise to take immaculate care of your new teeth. If you can't do that, there really is no reason to go on with treatment. It would just be a waste of your time and money and mine as well. So, if you are in good general health, and you promise to take immaculate care of your new teeth, you qualify as a candidate for dental implants in our office. One more thing to know about dental implants is that smoking increases the risk of failure. Smokers are 2 1/2 times more likely to have implant failure than a non-smoker. Don't even think about having dental implants placed by me if you plan on staying a heavy smoker.


In order for dental implants to be able to be placed in your jawbone, there needs to be enough bone present. If you are lacking good quality and quantity of bone, there are bone grafting procedures that may be able to give you back enough bone to now place dental implants. I try to avoid bone grafting, but when it is in the patient's best interest, know that i will discuss this with you as an option.


Dental implants cost is made of two parts. There is the cost for the surgery-placing the implant fixtures in the jaw. Then there is a cost for the crown or false tooth that is placed on the implant. Quotes from dentists are ordinarily separated into these two parts because the procedures are often done by 2 different dentists. This is not the case in our office just 20 minutes outside of Salt Lake City in Sandy. We take care of you from start to finish.


Utah has some of the most competitive fees in the country. In fact, we have had many patients fly in from California, Florida, Georgia and save tens of thousands of dollars. To give you some guidelines though, you are looking at from $1000 -$2500 for the surgical fee for a single dental implant. That is assuming that no bone grafting or special procedures are required. Placing the crown or false tooth is an additional $1000- $2500.


If you are having a complete set of teeth placed with dental implants, there is more variation possible because there are so many different ways to tackle that problem. For example, a simple snap-on denture for the lower teeth, retained by two dental implants, can cost from $2500-$7000. If you want to go first class with your new smile, you could spend $50,000- $100,000 for complete replacement of each tooth for either upper or lower jaws.


If you are considering dental implants, ClearChoice dental implant centers might appeal to you. Clear Choice Dental Implant Centers can be found in many cities now. You have seen their TV ads, radio, billboards and large full page newspaper ads. They are very agressive in advertising. Go see what they recommend and then come see us, and you will see the difference for yourself.

Free Dental Guide. Text your name and email to (801) 701-8074. Salt Lake City Dentist - Utah Cosmetic Dentist - Dental Implants Utah call (801) ALL-SMILE (255-7645) Hamblin Dental

Monday, July 30, 2012

Salt Lake Dentist - Cosmetic Dentist in Salt Lake City Salt Lake Dentist - Free Dental Guide. Text your name and email to (801) 701-8074. Salt Lake City Dentist - Utah Cosmetic Dentist - Dental Implants Utah call (801) ALL-SMILE (255-7645) Hamblin Dental

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Dental Implants Utah- Before & After Teeth

Dental Implants Salt Lake City - Before & After Teeth

3 Days To A New Smile

or some, it's Hollywood-style perfection. The cover of Vogue or Glamour. For others it's simply the confidence that comes from having brighter, whiter, teeth. Whatever your ideal smile, we at the Hamblin Dental office in Salt Lake City Utah specialize can help you achieve it...OFTEN in as little as THREE DAYS!


Traveling from a distance? Let us make it easy for you...from arranging limousine service to excellent hotel accommodations within minutes of our Salt Lake City practice. In the majority of cases, your smile makeover can be completed in three days!


Your cosmetic options include bonding, porcelain veneers and whitening. You will enjoy;

Natural looking Tooth colored fillings

The ultimate esthetic crown or veneer, The All-Porcelain Empress Veneer (undetectable and blends in naturally)

"Instant Orthodontics" often allow us to straighten and realign crooked teeth-- often in just TWO visits!!


Only with Dr Hamblin's new advanced techniques will you be turning heads with your new smile in as little as 3 Days! If you are excited to enjoy your stunning new smile but don’t wish to wait the usual 3 weeks, you can now visit us in the morning to start the treatment and return to us just 2 days later and celebrate your breathtaking new smile .


Would you like to see what your new smile could look like without even committing to treatment? Dr Scott Hamblin can show you your new smile almost instantly by artistically sculpting new materials. These new materials are temporarily placed on your teeth painlessly within minutes, demonstrating how a number of different cosmetic procedures could improve your appearance.

Free Dental Guide. Text your name and email to (801) 701-8074. Salt Lake City Dentist - Utah Cosmetic Dentist - Dental Implants Utah call (801) ALL-SMILE (255-7645) Hamblin Dental