Dental Implants Utah

Dental Implants Utah
Dr Scott Hamblin

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Dental Implants Salt Lake City - Before & After Teeth

Dental Implants Salt Lake City - Before & After Teeth



Now that you know having good oral health attributes to your overall health, follow these

seven (7) steps to stay on top of your dental and oral care:

STEP #1: Make a commitment to your hygiene and brush your teeth at least twice per

day. The longer food particles or bacteria stays in your teeth or mouth the greater

chances of cavities, decay or diseases. If you can brush your teeth after every meal…

even better!

STEP #2: When brushing your teeth, spend at least 2 minutes thoroughly brushing and

cleaning the inside of your mouth. Brush your cheeks and tongue. This will help keep

any bacteria from spreading to your fresh clean teeth. And if you really want to go all out,

use a newer type of toothbrush that emits transonic waves, this strips the fimbria from

microbes, which helps keep them from attaching to the enamel of the tooth. There are

many good brands out there. Just make sure that it isn’t just an electric toothbrush,

where the head moves back and forth. A good transonic toothbrush can be up to $100.

STEP #3: Use dental floss on your teeth once per day. In most cases there isn’t any

other way to get the food particles out from between your teeth. Flossing aids in the

maintenance of your gums and can potentially prevent the need for dentures later in life.

STEP #4: Use a mouthwash after brushing. This helps to wash away and kill any

bacteria that may still be in your mouth.

STEP #5: Rinse with a fluoride, as this helps to protect your tooth surface.

STEP #6: Limit the number of times you snack. Eat a balanced healthy diet, high in

calcium and vitamin C. Avoid sugary foods.

STEP #7: See your Dentist at least two times per year. Regular visits can prevent

emergency care such as aching teeth, gum diseases or tooth decay.

By following these seven (7) steps, you’ll be on your way to a healthy smile you can be

proud of and better oral hygiene.

Free Dental Guide. Text your name and email to (801) 701-8074. Salt Lake City Dentist - Utah Cosmetic Dentist - Dental Implants Utah call (801) ALL-SMILE (255-7645) Hamblin Dental

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